News and Press Releases

2022 Chairs Message for Members ®

Mayor Wayne Guppy and Nathan Shippam

Mayor Wayne Guppy, Nathan Shippam, Pieri Munro and Murray Lord

MedicAlert® Foundation donated $25,000 to Wellington Free Ambulance

Mayor Wayne Guppy and Nathan Shippam

Mayor Wayne Guppy, Nathan Shippam, Pieri Munro and Murray Lord

Kiwi-Indian Doctor Rememberd: MedicAlert® Launches Scholarship Fund

Dr Harish Rajpal – a Kiwi-Indian doctor who has dedicated four decades of his life for voluntary service, and considered as a leading visionary in healthcare in New Zealand, was honoured this week when a scholarship fund was launched in an event in Upper Hut.

The ‘Harish Rajpal MedicAlert Scholarship’ has been conceived by the MedicAlert Foundation - a registered non-profit charity that saves lives by providing medical information in emergency situations in partnership with the family of Dr Harish Rajpal - as a living tribute to the memory of Dr Rajpal....

Public Safety Notice: Copycat Medical IDs pose serious risk to patients and first responders

MedicAlert® Foundation is becoming increasingly concerned about a number of copycat unsupported medical IDs being advertised as Medical Alert Medical IDs.

Copycat medical IDs pose a serious risk to both patients and first responders in the event of a medical emergency if the correct patient information is not easily accessible...

MedicAlert Economic Impact Report 2018

MedicAlert currently produces benefit for members MedicAlert identification improves members’ lives in several ways. One benefit comes from avoiding harm, particularly from avoiding allergic reactions. Members also report that their identifications reduce the number of medical tests they need and reduce the time they spend in treatment. Together, reduced harm and more efficient treatment account for $38 million of benefits per year for existing members...

Lucky Charm...

A “$40 lucky charm” could be the difference between life and death for my daughter, says worried mum, Finnuala Anderson. Finnuala is talking about MedicAlert®’s bracelet that her daughter, Aisling (above), wears 24/7 to keep her alive, in case of an emergency...

Medicalert® helps parents to cope...

Young Indianna has only half a heart. At 15 months old, she’s already had two heart surgeries, and she will need another surgery when she’s about three or four years old...