Office Closure

Please be aware

Posted: 1 April 2022

Date: 1 April 2022

Subject Line: Member Notification – Office Closure (not an April fool’s joke)


Dear Members,


Over the past couple of weeks COVID has been working its way through the Foundations Staff, as a result of Community Spread.


We have now reached a point where we no longer have enough staff to operate the Membership Services Department.


In the best interests of the safety of all our staff the Foundation is closing its Membership Services Department next week from Mon 4 to Fri 8 of April 2022, this may be extended into week commencing 11 April, if staff continue to be unwell.


If you call the Foundation, you may be asked to leave a message, if the Foundations Out of Hours Service answers your call, they will also take a message. We recommend emailing the Foundation, so staff can respond to your enquiry, as they return to working from home


We have a very committed and dedicated team, Staff who are well enough to work from home will be returning calls, responding to emails, processing Enrolments, Health Information Updates and Orders from home, until reopening the Membership Services Department can occur.


However, please do not expect an immediate response. We may not be in a position to respond until later in the week commencing 11 April 2022.


The Foundation is continuing to pay and support its staff through this very difficult period. Both our staff and their families are being impacted.


The Foundations Emergency Hotline number, engraved on each Members Medical ID continues to operate through the Central Emergency Ambulance Call Centre on a 24/7 basis for Medical Emergencies Only.


I apologise for any inconvenience this situation may cause.


Please stay safe yourselves,


Kindest Regards,


Murray Lord

Chief Executive Officer


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