Independant Recommendations

MedicAlert® regularly engages with important community, health and government service organisations to improve access to MedicAlert's® Services.

MedicAlert® has long established relationships with many national organisations.

With the establishment of MedicAlerts® new web based technologies and patient centric online 'Patient Vitals - Electronic Health Records', MedicAlert® is working to form arrangements with many of these organisations that will provide you with the opportunity to access MedicAlert® services for specific purposes at special rates. If you are already a Member of another service, contact them to find out if they have a Members 'Service Offer' with MedicAlert®. If they do not, have them contact MedicAlert®. We will be pleased to be of assistance.

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You can help MedicAlert®, help others in need of MedicAlert®’s vital service.

It is due to donations such as yours that MedicAlert® Service remains so inexpensive. All donations over $5.00 are tax deductable.