Emergency responders

What Health Care Providers are saying about MedicAlert®

MedicAlert® operates in many countries around the world.

MedicAlert® Canada surveyed CAEP (Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians) members and Paramedics in 2000 to understand the value these healthcare workers placed in the MedicAlert® service.

Response EMS CAEP
Saves me time 90% 87%
Helps me establish a diagnosis 94% 68%
Helps me determine treatment 83% 73%
Helps me provide treatment more quickly in an emergency 84% 80%

Paramedics and emergency room physicians indicated that MedicAlert® saves them time in establishing a diagnosis and treatment.

“MedicAlert® is your medical history. It's the story you can't tell me when you're unconscious." — Norm Roberge, Level II Paramedic, Toronto Ambulance

“Any type of a disorder where emergency care might be necessary for a patient, where it would really make a difference whether you knew what they were on or not, we recommend people have it. You want to make sure somebody would receive the correct treatment in an emergency.” — Dr. Donald Morrish, Endocrinologist, AB

“MedicAlert's services are irreplaceable, especially when people suffer an emergency in absence of a family member or friend. The ability to access medical information immediately provides paramedics and emergency staff with the extra minutes that can save lives.” — Carl Baille, Paramedic